Monthly Newsletter
Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers
Lebanon, TN
May 11, 2024

Meeting Conducted By: Rich Patterson

Location: Town Hall, Fiddlers Grove

Number in Attendance: 12    Visitors: 0

Old Business:

The Cornbread and Moonshine event on May 4th in Granville went well. We had six carvers from the club at the event and, due to the rain forcast, attendance was a bit lower than last year but still good attendance overall.

We also had three members represent the club at the Springfest at Fiddlers Grove. Since this event is relatively new, the attendance was low but the members had a good time. We also received a stipend, that we didn't expect, for having the club at the event.

New Business:

The following upcoming events were announced. For the latest information on these events, go to the club website and look under the "Events" tab.

Classes and Workshops -- 2024

  • Bill Johnson (chip carving) -- Leipers Fork -- May 16-18, 2024 ($180 registration fee plus the cost of the blank)
  • Central Indiana Woodcarvers Roundup (wide variety of carving styles) -- June 6-8 ($15 registration fee plus the cost of the blanks and lodging).
  • Buckeye Woodcarvers Roundup -- July 17-20, 2024 (Fletcher OH). Features a wide variety of carving styles.($20 registration fee plus the cost of the blanks and lodging)
  • Northeast Woodcarvers Roundup -- July 21 - 24, 2024 (Honesdale, PA). Features a wide variety of carving styles. There is no registration fee so the only cost is for blanks and lodging. Honesdale is about 45 minutes northeast of Scranton -- near the Pennsylvania and New York state line.

Granville -- 2024

  • May 25th -- Heritage Day
  • October 5th -- Fall Celebration
Note: The club participates in these events as artisians and they also fulfill part of our community service initiative. Since these events are, in part, grant supported, the club also receives a small stipend for our participation which helps fund our Christmas Party.

Other Events -- 2024

  • Wilson County/State Fair -- August 15-24
  • Wilson County Bank Oktoberfest -- October 19-20
Note: The club participates in these events as artisians and also fulfills part of our community service initiative. Since we receive space to hold our meetings at Fiddlers Grove at no cost to us, we help the Fiddlers Grove folks by participating in some of their events. The Wilson County Fair is, by far, the biggest event for us.

The following members indicated that they would attend the Granville event on the 25th: John, Brenda, Clark, Gene, Dwight, Rich.

Since the paperwork regarding the fair will need to be submitted by June 1st, members were asked to indicate who would be representing the club at the fair and approximately how many days. The following individuals indicated that they would be willing to represent the club: Mark-5 days, Joe-4 days, Brenda-4 or 5 days, Jon-5 days, Dwight-3 days, Clark-3 days, Gene-3 days, John-5 days, Patricia-all days, Rich-all days.

Gene announced he would be doing a class during the Tuesday meetings on carving a viking with a shield and an ax. He needed a count on how many were interested so he would know how many cut-outs to make. The following individuals indicated interest in that class: Brenda, Jon, Sarah, Phil, John, Mark, Dwight, Rob and Clark.

Show & Tell

Six members had carvings to show at the meeting. First, Jon had a couple of spoons -- one out of basswood and the other out of cherry:

Brenda had a small nativity scene she carved and painted with metalic paint:

Clark had a couple of cottonwood bark houses that he completed and finished in clear shoe polish:

Joe had an unfinished Santa and a completed Easter Bunny and Irish Santa. The Easter Bunny and Santa were first washed with soap and water, sealed with rabbit skin glue, painted with acrylic and water color paints, and finished with buffalo wax that he obtained from a class he took in Austria.

Mark had a bunch of scroll saw Christmas ornaments, a nativity scene, a Santa, a snowflake and an unfinished cobra:

John had a Smerf, a simple Santa, and the prize fighters:

The club was asked to burn a crooked arrow on a lacrosse stick for a boy who has severe autism and cerebral palsy. His favorite movie is "Crooked Arrows" and another person donated a lacrosse stick and we were asked to burn a crooked arrow on the stick like in the movie. Brenda graciously volunteered to do the burning.

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